OK, as you may have figured out already: I’m not a purist. I’m not steam-bending oak frames and hand-planing fir planks and building hollow spars of sitka spruce. I’m building a plywood cruiser in a garage I refer to as a boat shop. So when my wife pointed out that the building was keeping us from exploring Puget Sound, and she suggested we look for an old fiberglass fixer-upper I took her up on the idea. After all, it was been 12 years since I started building the Navigator, and the little kids I had planned to take out on adventures in the Navigator were very close to moving out on their own!
So I bought a 1972 Cal 29: perfect for isolating on during the pandemic. While it was relatively inexpensive, it was (and still is) in need of a TON of maintenance. But we’re happy with it so far. My Best Man Sim is sharing the boat with us (along with Matt and Amy), and my wife and kids don’t mind hanging out on the boat, too, occasionally. Especially when the sun is out!